Why I Disappeared| Azzyandherthoughts

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Hi Friends.

I’m just going to get straight into today’s post because it is long overdue. As some of you may have noticed, this blog has been very neglected and there have been several reasons why,  such as:

  • university stress
  • mental health

and life in general.

To be honest, I chose not to post because my heart wasn’t in it anymore and I felt my content is not what I want it to be. I find because I have so much going on in my head that even the thought of taking some time out to write a blog post, does not appeal to me.

However, saying that, I definitely do miss blogging and if you follow me on Instagram (@azzyblogs) then you will know that I sometimes post product reviews on there. I will be back to blogging avidly after May when exams are over, but for the time being, I am going to continue with university work and dealing with what is going on in my head.

Mental health isn’t something I’ve spoken about on my blog but its definitely a topic that I would like to talk about as its a huge part of my life that I really don’t share with anyone and I believe can be a causal factor as to why I haven’t been feeling like myself lately. With lots of things going on, mainly university, I feel I’ve begun to neglect my mental health and it is time that I got some help with it.

I find I shut myself off from people, don’t make effort with anyone and the social world, to be honest. If you’re going to find me anywhere, its probably my bedroom.

Some advice for anyone else who feels like they may suffer from mental health or do not feel they have been themselves lately, I would suggest talking to someone or booking an appointment with a doctor, which is the route I’ve taken.

I know it is not the happiest of posts but it was about time that I shared my thoughts with you.

Thank you to anyone who has stayed with me and continued to read my posts.

I hope to be back very soon.

Lots of Love,

Azzy x

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